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This can be done by adding something like the following: drive s: file="/dev/sdb1" mtools_skip_check=1 Оригинальные прошивки на DLink Условные предложения English Схема пера Genius G-PEN 450 Электродинамика![]() WebФормы HTMLHTML5 canvas libwebsocket api, libwebsocket example (c) Аккорды ПВ (БД) javascript:document.cookie='aaa=111' Facebook share debugger Измеритель скорости страничек от гугля Настройка vim:Vim wikiVim replace opennet dimio-blog openkazan :mksession filename vim -S filename показать изменения :w !diff % - Аудио-видео:mplayer -dumpaudio video.flv -dumpfile audio.mp3 mplayer -vc null -vo null -ao pcm:fast имя_видеофайла ffmpeg -i input.3gp output.mp4 ubuntu + dvdsudo apt-get install libdvdread4 sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh Теперь вставляем диск с фильмом и смотрим. VLC воспроизводит отлично. MIDIMIDIhabr Настройка связки nginx+phpLennyДолго не работало из-за fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www/$fastcgi_script_name; Переменная $document_root не работает.
Шпора по языкамPerlCSS (online) PHP (online) SQL via php-myadmin (online) PHP + MySQL Bash Визуализатор RegExp sed sed example 1 sed example 2 egrep '^flags.*(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo 日本語 cards LaTeXFloating objectsLaTeX Конспект WindowsПрава КСWin MUI Alt symbols Bluetooth for Win PL-2303XD Windows 10 issue (Code 10) (local copy) При проблемах с сертификатами Opera 9go to your Opera profile folder, the path of which you find in opera:about, and after Opera is shut down, rename the file opcacrt6.dat to something else. When you restart Opera this file will be regenerated for data in the executable.Подключение сетевого диска из cmdnet use x: \\имя компьютера\имя общего ресурса Elevate privileges (for deleting autoupdate tasks)From run as administrator cmd:psexec -s -i cmdand new "real administrator" console appears No fucking autoupdates for Win10Windows 10 thinks it can reboot users machines without any permission to do that. That is unacceptable!Diagnose the source of the reboothttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/2140092/how-can-i-get-the-windows-last-reboot-reason In eventvwr.msc find Windows Logs/System, filter for event code 1074 (all autoupdate reboots go there).Disable regular updatesIt does not prevent user from manually perform the updates.taskschd.msc /s Disable there tasks for scan Disable Windows Update Center in services
gpedit.msc, in Computer policy/Administrative templates/Windows components/Windows update/Configure automatic updates — After that it will only prompt to download and install updates, won't do it all by itself =) Security updates (hopefully)Previous measures does not prevent machine to reboot itself anyway((( So hopefully we could disable the file causing that. https://superuser.com/questions/972038/how-to-get-rid-of-updates-are-available-message-in-windows-10/1006199#1006199 Disable access to the source of reboots: MusNotification.execd /d "%Windir%\System32" takeown /F MusNotification.exe icacls MusNotification.exe /deny Everyone:(X) takeown /F MusNotificationUx.exe icacls MusNotificationUx.exe /deny Everyone:(X) Как устанавливать нативные пакета пайтона на венде/knowled/knowledge/ge/
save toThe WebExtension API only allows saving into directories relative to the default download directory. Symlinks can be used to get around this limitation:mklink /D C:\path\to\symlink D:\path\to\actual GentooKDE (2013 06)Проблема с автомонтированиемAn unspecified error has occurred: Adding read ACL for uid 1000 to /run/media/my_user /run/media/my_user isn't created there for nothing will mount. If you create this directory manually it works as expected:
mkdir -p /run/media/my_user
How to disable screensaver when running fullscreen FlashTue Sep 06, 2011 1:49 pmIn short:
cd ~/.kde4/Autostart
then log out and log in again, and enjoy fullscreen flash without having to turn off your screensaver/power management :-) If you run xscreensaver instead of KDE's kscreensaver, you can remove the sed line, the script supports both. The original script was written by https://github.com/iye (script at https://github.com/iye/lightsOn), I just added two lines to support KDE. unhammerAVR ld problemToolchain for AVR — avr-libc. При установке вылезет требование установить собтвенно тулчейн, и укажет команду. /usr/libexec/gcc/avr/ld: cannot open linker script file ldscripts/avr5.x: No such file or directory
This bug is in bugzilla, this is a workaround for gentoo bug 147155: emergeCorrupted sqlite base
# rm -rf /var/cache/edb/dep/
emerge is pip
# /usr/lib/python-exec/python3.3/emerge -av portage
audacitySegfault after message about tmpdirJust add this to new cfg:
MYSQLLogging all queries
SET global log_output = 'FILE';
can be turned off with
SET global general_log = 0;
Чятик 20-04-21 13:41:46 for the honor of grayskull 20-06-03 17:38:20 Бункер уронили! 20-06-19 16:16:40 .-. 20-07-31 12:23:41 d:< 20-09-11 12:56:50 помямьтесь 20-10-06 15:34:32 АААААААААА 21-06-26 16:26:30 J-sama: чятик почищено :3 21-07-17 16:54:42 J-sama: тест 22-04-22 11:38:56 ААА!! 23-06-03 14:52:30 J-sama: мяу <3 24-12-19 12:07:27 Отличный интернет-сайт! Это выглядит очень хорошо! Поддерживайте хорошо работу! Посетите также мою страничку Продвижение WEB 2.0 25-01-08 16:48:34 1xbet промокод на бесплатную ставку MOGADISHU, Aug 21 (Reuters) - Somalia has banned TikTok, messaging app Telegram and online-betting website 1XBet to limit the spread of indecent content and propaganda, its communications minister said. "The minister of communications orders internet companies to stop the aforementioned applications, which terrorists and immoral groups use to spread constant horrific images and misinformation to the public," the minister, Jama Hassan Khalif, said in a statement late on Sunday. Members of insurgent group al Shabaab often post about their activities on TikTok and Telegram. The decision comes days after Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said a military offensive against al Shabaab aims to eliminate the al Qaeda-linked group in the next five months. TikTok, Telegram and 1XBet did not immediately respond to Reuters' requests for comment. The order gave internet service providers until Aug. 24 to comply. 1XBet is popular in Somalia for betting, especially on soccer matches. TikTok has been threatened with bans in the United States over its alleged ties to the Chinese government. The state of Montana became the first to ban the app in May. (Reporting by Abdi Sheikh; Writing by George Obulutsa; Editing by Devika Syamnath) |